Glowing Embers: Spiritual Poems, Songs, and Praises

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Glowing Embers, named after its theme poem, is a collection of 65 poems written by the author over the course of many years. Written originally either for someone in particular, a church service or a wedding or a funeral, for personal reflection, or simply for personal worship and praise, these poems are the product not of a professional poet, but of spiritual, melancholic guy who needs and seeks to express his heart in ways only poetry and song can, and now to use his poetry to spur others to search out and express their own hearts. The poems are in no particular order and come in many different lengths, moods, and subjects. Most however are God and Spirit-focused. A few are poetic expressions from the life and teachings of Christ. As Ronnie Worsham has written a book on depression (Fighting and Beating Depression), some of the poems represent the dark expressions of one probing the inner darkness of heart and soul.

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